Digital technologies in education: possibilities for education development for a global citizenship


  • Pricila Kohls dos Santos Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Camila Schwanke Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Karen Graziela Weber Machado Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Digital technologies. Education for a global citizenship. Teaching and learning process


The present study aimed to investigate the contributions of digital technologies to education for a global citizenship. There is an understanding that this citizenship concerns a belonging to a wider community, to humanity as a whole. In addition to cognitive skills, skills and knowledge, emerges a need for an education that contributes to the resolution of global challenges, which prove mutual respect. In this sense, it is evident that digital technologies are present in our lives and their use can contribute significantly in the educational context, in order to facilitate and qualify the teaching and learning process, encouraging the development of global citizenship education. This research is characterized as a qualitative research, an online questionnaire was used for data collection, and data analysis is based on the principles of discursive textual analysis. With this study, it was possible to verify that it is important for teachers to find ways of integrating technologies with appropriate methodological procedures so that students feel motivated, have more initiative, explore new possibilities, and are able to build their knowledge over of the educational process. We have realized that, although in some cases, the research participants did not affirm that technology can contribute to the development of education for a global citizenship, in their experiences it was possible to highlight the presence of aspects related to the promotion of critical thinking, of the dialogue, characteristics that are advocated by the pedagogy of education for a global citizenship.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, P. K., Schwanke, C., & Weber Machado, K. G. (2017). Digital technologies in education: possibilities for education development for a global citizenship. Educação Por Escrito, 8(1), 129–145.


