Technological hibridism in the classroom routine: analysing possibilities and limitations of technologies
Technological hybridism, Construction of knowledge, Algorithms, Technology.Abstract
This article explores the concept of technological hybridism in classroom routine by analyzing the possibilities and limitations of analogic (pen and paper) and digital (VisuAlg, Scratch and Kit Lego) technologies, within the scope of the dissertation The construction of the knowledge of algorithms in the context of technological hybridism: analysis of pedagogical practice applied in IFRS, carried out at the Graduate Program in Education, within the research line “Culture, Languages and Technologies in Education”. This study is characterized as a single case study and has as its theoretical foundation the assumptions of genetic epistemology developed by Jean Piaget. The data collected were submitted to the Bardin Technique Content Analysis (2006). For the collection of the bases empirical data, analogic and digital technologies were presented, which served as technological bases for the development of algorithm teaching and learning processes throughout the Programming Logic course. The context of technological hybridism has potentialized construction of knowledge, especially on account of the plurality in the representation of knowledge, contemplating various strategies and languages in the learning process, providing protagonism to the subject and conferring meaning to knowledge.
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