The reform of secondary education in the state of Bahia and the teaching of Physical Education
The context of text production
educational policy, high school, Physical EducationAbstract
This article aims to analyze the context of text production of the Documento Curricular Referencial da Bahia in the High School stage, as well as the implications of the document for the teaching of Physical Education. It is a qualitative research, of the documentary type. We use Stephen Ball’s policy cycle approach to better understand the process of elaborating a new educational policy in the State of Bahia for the last stage of basic education. We found that the DCRB, in line with the national educational policy, introduces important changes to the curriculum of schools, such as curricular flexibility, an increase in the annual workload, the valorization of some curricular components to the detriment of others, and a strong presence of business discourse for education. We also observed that the reduction in the workload of Physical Education in the curriculum will imply an increase in teaching work and in the teaching-learning process, possibly the contents of body culture will be worked on in a superficial way, affecting the integral formation of Bahian students.
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