Academic innovation
conceptualization and reflections of its approach in higher education institutions
Academic innovation, higher education institutions, innovation conceptAbstract
This article proposal arises from the need to improve knowledge about innovation processes in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This study emerged from a Thesis project and focuses on its first specific objective, the understanding of the concepts of Academic Innovation and its relevance for Higher Education Institutions. Methodologically, a bibliographical research was chosen, with the aim of verifying what there is in the scientific community on the topic. To conceptualize the term Innovation, we turned to scholars in the area related to education. The term Academic Innovation is a nomenclature partially addressed in education, being of great relevance to the world of sciences, due to being associated with didactic innovations in HEI processes, being a somewhat unprecedented topic, as there are not many research at Master’s and Doctorate levels. In this sense, the study contributes in general, with terminology based on what has already been produced by researchers and websites that address this subject in question, focusing on the Higher Education segment, which has invested in innovations, mainly with a focus on the field methodological. As a result, analyzes of the concept of terminology were carried out, contributing to a specific concept of Academic Innovation, which will be, in the light of this article, portrayed by a set of actions developed by Universities, with the aim of assisting academics in their training paths, as well as being a document that has an epistemological contribution to IES.
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