Mathematical modelling: reporting an experince with teachers from initial grades of Elementary School


  • Márcia Jussara Hepp Rehfeldt Centro Universitário UNIVATES
  • Marli Teresinha Quartieri Centro Universitário UNIVATES
  • Ieda Maria Giongo Centro Universitário UNIVATES



Work shop, Initial grades of Elementary School, Mathematical modelling.


This report approaches proposals resulting from the continued education course Trends in Mathematics Education for the Initial Grades of Elementary School carried out with a group of teachers from that level. Specifically, the theme explored was Mathematical Modelling. The workshop was held in two meetings of two hours each, and the practices, planned and applied in the classes in which the teachers worked. The research pointed out that they were unaware of Mathematical Modeling, but after the workshop they began to use it throughout the year. In addition, they emphasized that the workshop motivated them to use this methodology for being able to develop the creativity and the criticality of the students.


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How to Cite

Rehfeldt, M. J. H., Quartieri, M. T., & Giongo, I. M. (2017). Mathematical modelling: reporting an experince with teachers from initial grades of Elementary School. Educação Por Escrito, 8(2), 294–303.




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