Network of Meanings for a Transformative Education: weaving the conceptions training teachers, philosophy and the psychology of education in the database of ANPED in the years 2009 and 2013, and the referential theoretical of care
Caring. Ambience of teaching. Teacher education.Abstract
The care is by a force that moves the human capacity to care for, evoking this ability in ourselves and in others, to satisfy a response to something or someone that matters, updating our potential to care. The care, in its essence, should be deepened by teachers with regard to ontology, epistemology, theories and models of care. The study allows understanding the relationship between education and the care from the perspective of higher education teachers in the process of educating and training. Thus, it appears that educators in their teacher education reveals attitudes and behaviors that have a direct association with the theoretical assumptions of care. The educator has a caring role? If education needs an environment and a social dynamic so that there is acquisition of knowledge by students, it denotes the existence of caring actions? How we take care of students in higher education? This is an exploratory, descriptive study, developed from a qualitative research approach to literature review on databases ANPED in 2009 and 2013. The study provides a reflective exercise of the educator actions as a subject which has a subjectivity of luggage and a teacher education permeated with transformation values of their reality for teaching. Educational practice has a close relationship with the prospect of care and new trends of teaching learning in higher education.
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