Disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and complexity in education: challenges education for teacher
Education. Interdisciplinarity. Complexity. Teacher education.Abstract
This article is a joint reflection between two teachers in order to discuss the paradigm of complexity and interdisciplinarity in contemporary society and its possibilities for the education of a better human being. The aim is to discuss approaches to working with the human, social and especially with teaching in an attempt to rescue the production of meaning between learning and teaching. Moreover, with this assay we intend to discuss the factors that led to the disciplining of knowledge and its consequences Science Education. Also turns to the complexity and interdisciplinarity of knowledge and the challenges and demands that an emerging society places education for teacher. Is necessary to invest in the development of the human being in his personal, cultural and professional multidimensionality where the humanity of their actions have the ability to promote solidarity, social practice and citizen.
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