The hermeneutics as lively dialogue: contributions to the field of educational research
Educational research. Hermeneutics. Dialogue.Abstract
As a phenomenon that occurs in the steady stream of culture, education incorporates and at the same time transforms essential aspects of a broader socio-cultural dimension, which may not be restricted to approaches that ignore the contextual nature of human experience. In this perspective, hermeneutics brings important contributions to educational research as it allows the insertion of ontological research in the analyzed context, guiding it from a conduct guided by the rationality of the phenomenon that is established as an object of research. In this essay, we try to discuss the challenges faced by educational research to disclosing the contributions offered by hermeneutics as lively dialogue centered on the dynamics of the question as the fundamental core of human experience. We tried to also reiterate the importance of critical dialogue with tradition, while studying the classics in its essential body condition of an intellectual process that allows the educational research transcend the dogmatism inherent in the horizon of preconceptions.
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