Consciousness and control: a cultural-historical intervention on e-learning Pedagogy Course students’ writings
Intervention. Consciousness. Writing. Pedagogy.Abstract
This article is the result of a research that aimed to investigate the evolution of e-learning Pedagogy Course students’ writings. During seven semesters, there were four pedagogical interventions and close monitoring of the textual
productions of these students. From the 42 academic students of the surveyed class, three of them were selected. The data designated to the study were collected through document analysis – the textual productions are the documents – questionnaire and interviews. The textual productions analyzes and the students testimonials produced the following findings: positive reception to the interventions; awakening of consciousness to fundamental aspects of writing practice, as to realize that we write for an interlocutor and the importance of text reviewing process; better macrostructural organization; more efficient use of punctuation resources, and improvement and increasing of the set of textual coordinating conjunctions.
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