The happiness in the biblical concept and in postmodernity

An analysis based on 1Pd 3,13-17




1Peter, Happy, Happiness, Beatitudes, Postmodernity


The market construction of post-modern Western society established the parameters of “happiness” in the ephemeral and manipulable sense of well-being of individuals. Much of this occurred due to secularization and the break with some values, which were previously very important for civilization. Contrary to this perspective, this article aims to adduce and rescue the concept of “happiness” from the Christian worldview. To do this, we resort to the text of 1Pet 3,13-17 in which there are valuable experiential principles whose allusion to transcendentality is notable. Through an exegetical analysis of the text and a bibliographical review on the topic of “happiness”, it is observed how “happiness” from a Christian perspective brings benefits to the individual and to society. The choice of the text of 1Pet 3,13-17 is based on the theme of “happiness” (v. 14: “μακάριοι/happy”) and the dialogue between Theology and the Bible, providing an impact on spirituality in both dimensions: personal life and community life. Therefore, it bears witness to Christian hope (v. 15), following the “good conduct of Christ” (v. 16), practicing the “will of God” (v. 17), promoting good in a tireless, even in the face of all challenges. To this end, the biblical text is presented in Greek and Portuguese translation, with textual criticism notes, general data from the letter and an approach to the theme of “happiness” in post-modernity, opening the scope for further research.

Keywords: 1Peter, Happy, Happiness, Beatitudes, Postmodernity.


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Author Biographies

Waldecir Gonzaga, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Director and Professor of Biblical Theology at the Department of Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Creator and leader of the Semitic Biblical Rhetoric Analysis Study Group, accredited by CNPq. Doctor in Biblical Theology from the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Italy. Post-doctorate from the Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology of Belo Horizonte (FAJE).

Marcelo Dantas da Silva Júnior, Higher School of Theology (EST), São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil.

PhD student in Theology at the Higher School of Theology (EST).


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