Formation times of countryside education and historical-critical pedagogy
experience report in the municipality of Iranduba/AM, between 2017-2018
Rural Education, critical historical pedagogy, formative timesAbstract
The article presents the experience carried out during the formative years of the Specialization Course in Rural Education – Pedagogical Practices, from Faced/UFAM, in the period from 2017 to 2018 in the municipality of Iranduba/AM, in the applicability of the Theory and Didactics of Historical Pedagogy- Criticism. This is a study carried out with 90 teachers from 20 communities, distributed in three educational sectors, which are: Solimões, Rio Negro and Estrada, with the support of bibliographical research based on Saviani ( 2019, 2021), Gasparin (2020), Galvão, Martins e Lavoura (2019), Caldart (2017), Oliveira (2017) among others, whose studies are based on the historical-dialectic materialist perspective. The results indicate that both UFAM trainers and teachers from the Iranduba countryside experienced new scientific knowledge from the perspective of Historical-Critical Pedagogy in Rural Education. The training meetings conclude with the teachers developing in the classroom the structure of the didactic proposal of the Historical-Critical Theory, which is composed of Social Practice (concrete) – Level of the Learner’s Current Development Zone; Problematization, Instrumentalization, Catharsis – Immediate Development Zone Level.
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