Approaching content related to Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture in teaching Sociology through gamification
Gamification, Digital games, Sociology, Afro-Brazilian History and CultureAbstract
This article presents a report on the experience of the research project “Implications of approaching content related to Afro-Brazilian and African history and culture in the teaching of Sociology through gamification”, a case study whose initial objective was to understand the social and pedagogical implications of approaching content related to Afro-Brazilian and African history and culture in teaching Sociology at secondary level through gamification. The initially designed methodology could not be implemented due to the setbacks encountered in carrying out the project, which included holding digital game production workshops and focus groups in schools, in order to identify the limits, obstacles and possibilities brought about by gamification. in the engagement of students in the study of this topic. As an alternative to the difficulties encountered, there was a redefinition of the processes and results initially foreseen with the production of a website with gamified resources to support the process of approaching content related to Afro-Brazilian History and Culture in Sociology classes and indication of related websites.
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