Ethnic-racial relations

what does the teaching material in the new high school cover?




Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations, New High School, Textbook, Decolonial.


Teaching education for ethnic-racial relations in basic education can promote acceptance, positive identities and contribute to the fight against silencing, prejudice and racism. Furthermore, presence and dialogue on race
relations help us to have a more egalitarian and democratic society, since there is no ‘democracy with racism’. The objective of this text is to analyze the presence of education for ethnic-racial relations in images and texts with reference to history, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous culture in teaching materials in the area of Human Sciences made available to students in the Santa Catarina state network in the new high school. The research question that guides us is: how are themes relating to these themes through images and texts addressed in the teaching materials available for the new secondary education? The source of analysis is the textbook Moderna em Projetos: Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas (2020). A teaching material that integrates the others distributed and used in public schools in Santa Catarina, and that emphasizes a problem-based learning methodology (PBL). The theoretical-methodological perspective used for analysis is that of decoloniality, an alternative to the modern-western-Christian-colonial reason, which fights against the dehumanization of the Other, especially of afro-descendants and indigenous people in dialogue with bibliographical references that address the theme of racial relations. Preliminary evidence indicates a superficial approach that can give rise to processes of exclusion and racism.


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Author Biographies

Renilda Vicenzi, Federal University of the Southern Border (UFFS), Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

PhD in History from Universidade Vale do Rio dos Sinos – Unisinos/RS. Professor in the Bachelor’s Degree in History and the Master’s Degree in Education at UFFS – Chapecó Campus.

Maicon Fernando Guarese, Santa Catarina State Department of Education (SED/SC), Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Master's student in Education at the Federal University of the Southern Border (PPGE/UFFS). Specialist in Integrated Teaching of Geography, Philosophy, History and Sociology from the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC). Graduated in History from the Federal University of the Southern Border (UFFS – Chapecó Campus, SC). Tenured professor in the state education network of Santa Catarina since 2018.




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How to Cite

Vicenzi, R., & Guarese, M. F. (2024). Ethnic-racial relations: what does the teaching material in the new high school cover?. Educação Por Escrito, 15(1), e45316.



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