A study on knowledge production of brazilian educational statistics in the area of education history
educational statistics, knowledge production, education of historyAbstract
This work aims to raise and analyze the production of existing knowledge about the statistics of Brazilian education within the history of education. It is understood that statistics are an important field for the understanding and construction of political spaces, as well as, when used in the educational field, they play a relevant role in the decision making of new directions and paths for the educational systems. This is a bibliographic review study carried out in the CAPES Periodicals Portal using the term “educational statistics” as a descriptor. In the process of understanding and investigating the objective of the study, the question is: how many researches have been produced on the statistics of Brazilian education? Or, do these studies relate to the field of the history of education? The partial results indicate that between 1989 and 2022 there were 52 works produced on the aforementioned theme, of which only 34,66%, a total of 15 works, are from the field of the history of education. It was also concluded that the themes, even in the field of the history of education are diversified considering elements such as: school evasion and attendance; analysis of discourses made using statistics; educational statistics as a source for research in the history of education; among other themes. Thus, it is understood the need for studies that are concerned with investigating educational statistics and history of education, because the result shows that there is still a great need to expand studies on this subject.
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