High abilities in adults
analysis of the diagnosis and the educational response
High Capacities, Identification, Educational ResponseAbstract
The most recent studies on high abilities point out the importance of identifying in order to meet the educational needs. Thus, after the identification process, it is necessary to provide an educational response, through an in-school enrichment program, that is, within the school, or out-of-school, outside the school. Thus, the present research aimed, first, to analyze who diagnosed high ability in the participants, at what age they received a diagnosis, and third, what educational response they received during their school life. The research was descriptive with qualitative analysis. 217 adults with high abilities answered the questionnaire. Thus, it was found that more than half of the diagnoses received came from Mensa (50,6%), followed by psychologists (25,8%) and educational centers or school psychologists (11%). Regarding age, 80% of the sample was diagnosed with high abilities in adulthood, with ages between 21-25 years, followed by 31-35 years and 26-30 years. In this context, it should be emphasized that only 17 participants (7.9%) received some type of educational response during their school life. These responses were divided into in-school, out-of-school and adult responses. However, the results are alarming, as they show the invisibility of these people in terms of an identification and educational response in basic education. The causes that the absence of assessment and early intervention may not offer differentiated proposals and care that can meet the specific developmental needs of the person with high abilities, which can lead to the inhibition of their potential.
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