Pedagogical documents in the framework of the basic education school
Pedagogical Political Project, School Regiment, Democratic managementAbstract
This article aimed to analyze two of the pedagogical documents considered most important for Basic Education Schools: the Pedagogical Political Project and the School Rules. We tried to understand the importance of these documents, as well as those responsible for their elaboration. Based on the laws and resolutions that establish these documents and on authors such as Veiga (1998, 2001, 2007), Libâneo (2012) e Vasconcelos (2002, 2004), it can be said that quality education begins with the collaborative elaboration of these documents. It is a qualitative research that investigated the teachers and directors of a municipality in Goiás to understand the process of preparing these documents. The data point to a contradiction between the responses of principals and teachers, in addition to alerting to the lack of involvement and participation of some teachers in some institutions in the preparation of these documents, even if this is established in the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education.
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