Digital technologies in education and school processes during a COVID-19 pandemic
Reports analysis
Methodology, Teaching, Teaching-learning methodologies, Education, Digital TechnologyAbstract
However great the optimism in the context – School Education vs. Pandemic COVID-19 – it’s necessary to understand the challenges that will be faced in the school educational processes during and after the pandemic, so that communication is careful and subtlety in dealing with school communities, addition to institutional, regulatory and legal reform that will provides for greater investments in infrastructure in education when we talk about Information Technologies. To think that although “everyone has cell phones”, the internet and the power necessary for remote classes are not in the domain of most young people. The only way to get students and families engaged in this moment is to be calm, caring for others and understanding how the school will behave. We do not have all the answers to solve the great distance between technology and the educational context, but it is already known that we can no longer go back. Technologies are allies of great significance. The following article brings us personal reports from teachers in different contexts and places as well our reflections about how Education is working remotely and the teacher’s feelings and perceptions about it. In the last 20 years, although we have available technologies, our focus was still much more in face-to-face classroom lessons and in groups called remote learning, now, in practice, on-line applications and platforms have started to be used in some moments, and teachers and students have been forced to adapt again not only for school education, but also for how they job, to their personal life, for everything.
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