Education and haitian migration: A case study based on Galtung and Fanon
Education. Haitian migration. Violence. High school. Inclusion.Abstract
The work presented here is the result of a case study carried out with two Haitian high school students, whose objective was to analyze the different expressions of violence in their migratory processes and their daily lives in Brazil. The qualitative analysis took place through NVivo software and considered the intersectionalities that emerged and the correlations of the violence (physical, structural, cultural and psychological) found. Of the different violence, that are deepened into the authors Johan Galtung and Frantz Fanon, only physics is not explicit in the results, but even it is problematized. The research shows that school can, in certain cases, aggravate the violence inherent in migratory processes if is not discuss then and make invisible the existence of diversity inside the school space.
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