The power relations between teacher and student in the classroom
power relations, authority, teacher, student, familyAbstract
This article aims to understand how the teacher-student power relations in the classroom has been constituted in the last ten years. The research runs through the concept of authority, power, and influence in their organizations. The historical part considers some changes in the society such as the advance of technology, the violence in schools, the family constitution and the work relations, based on theoretical references such as: Bauman (2013); Cortella (2000), Castells (2016), Foucault (1987), Furlani (2004), among other authors and data from the research institutes. In order to get better results, an online survey using the Google forms tool was applied for the quali-quantitative approach. The database was applied in 2018, from October 15th to November 27th and consisted of 18 questions, four open to long answers and 14 with options, 50 people participated in this research. Out of the 50 participants, 44% were from Espírito Santo, but some other states from the Southeast, North and South regions participated too. The analyses showed that some changes in the last ten years affect the education. The access to information through the internet and social media, the family structure and work matters could be easily seen in the answers.
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