The calculation of diagonals in the elementary school through mathematical research
Polygons. Diagonals. Mathematical Investigation. Elementary School. Continuous Training.Abstract
The teaching of mathematics in schools has been presented in a fragmented and mechanical way, in a reproduction of formulas, placing the student in a passive and not reflective condition. Thus, in this article, are narred results from the activities of Mathematical Investigation involving the calculation of diagonals. These were developed with a group of teachers originating from the Elementary School from partner schools of a municipality in the Taquari Valley Region in Rio Grande do Sul. The purpose of the activities was to seek challenging ways to work on mathematics in where the teacher acts as an articulator of the teaching and learning processes, and the student, as protagonist in the production of his knowledge. Data collection took place through the use of recordings, observations of the researchers and the resolutions presented in written activities. It was found that the proposed activities favored the debates and the jointly build of diverse conjectures, which were tested, proven and socialized in the large group, breaking with conceptions of right and wrong. The data pointed out difficulties and discomfort of some teachers by the open and creative way of the investigative proposal. In summary, it was found that the research activities explored served to rethink and intensify the teaching of Mathematics, particularly in the Elementary School.
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