Research projects in the vocational education: talking about a innovative experience
Research, Vocational education, Inovation.Abstract
The article presents the results of a research that has been conducted about research projects developed by students of a chemistry technical course post secondary in a public school in Porto Alegre. The study cames from the following research problem: how students outlined their research in relation to selected topics, the theoretical and methodological choices and what results do they achieved? The study of the corpus consists of 82 research reports that we made between the years of 2007-2013. In order to proceed with the examination of these projects we created, a priori, six categories of analysis: (1) Type of research and knowledge area; (2) Presence of items required in a project; (3) Consistency between the parts of the project; (4) Context of the research; (5) Search results and the existence of final product; (6) Evaluation of research projects construction process. Among the results, it is important to highlight the tendency to carry out research in the field of chemistry; the use, y of sites related to the topic to subsidize the studies; the harmony between the parts of the idealized projects; the predominance of studies about professional’s problems or the ones of personal nature; the good reception of the examiners in relation to research carried out by students.
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