School (in)discipline: challenges and opportunities for teachers of the XXI century


  • Glaé Corrêa Machado PUCRS
  • Mari Margarete dos Santos Forster Unisinos



Discipline. Indiscipline. Pedagogical Practice. School. University.


The research will deal with conceptual tensions, such as discipline/indiscipline, authority/power/ authoritarianism, freedom/licentiousness, order/disorder, limit/requirement, rigidity/rigor, questioning them, confronting them ethically and epistemologically. The theoretical framework is based on Aquino, Bernstein, Brunner, Correia and Matos, Fischman and Torres, Freire, Foucault, Giorgio, Macedo, Piaget, Silva and Taille. This study relied on the action research referential (Minayo and Thiollent) with teachers of basic education in a city of Montenegro/RS, who participated in the Research Project (In)disciplining discipline: construction process of teaching practice and school routine, a partnership between Municipal Schools, the City Department of Education
and UNISINOS and this production an integral part of our consideration of the work done during a project that lasted 03 years. The study analyzes the generating causes of indiscipline in the school environment, how each
teacher seeks to deal with the same in your classroom and how teachers are preparing to face the challenge of indiscipline in educational context.


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How to Cite

Machado, G. C., & Forster, M. M. dos S. (2015). School (in)discipline: challenges and opportunities for teachers of the XXI century. Educação Por Escrito, 6(1), 118–133.


