The paper of the Technologies of Information and Communication (TICs) on the inclusion of students with educacional special needs in the Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo – UNESC
Upper Education. Special Education. Inclusion of People with Educacional Special Needs. Technologies of Information and Communication (TICS).Abstract
The present study brings like thematic head office the discussion on the inclusion of people with special needs in the upper education, with regard to the increasing exigency of the university training like factor of professional development. Such fact carries us to the questioning of how inclusive has been ours universities, being necessary think mechanisms that make possible the access and the permanence of these students in the upper education. The study was realized in the Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo – UNESC, having with focus of the investigation a student with visual deficiency of the course of pedagogy. For so much, to quested comprise the singularities of the personal path and those relative to the schooling of this subject, identifying his characteristics and his specific needs in the educational context and academician, giving emphasis to the study of the utilization of the technologies of information and communication (TICs) like tool facilitator of the process of education/learning. The methodology used was of qualitative nature, with inspiration phenomenological, developed from interviews semiestructurad.
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