A brief summary of the scholarship student’s profile in a communitary university of Rio Grande do Sul: contributions for the academic trajectory in graduation





Academic trajectory. University. Graduation. Scholarship students.


The present article has the objective to show a brief summary about scholarship students profile enrolled in the graduation courses of a communitary university. We understand that to know these student’s reality will  be possible to contribute with their trajectories of formation. During this study we´ll discuss the scholarship student’s trajectory, accessing them the university campus through public policies, as well to understand these strategies to stand and conclude their formation. Beyond that, we analyze this formation importance for their professional progress. For the construction of this study, we used theoric contribution from this referred authors: Dubar (1996; 2005), Josso (2007), Morosini (2006), Ristoff (2014) e Zabalza (2004), beyond the legal contribution that stands the existence of programs that allow the access of this people to graduation. For that, we realize a study of a case (YIN, 2010) at PUCRS, through quantitative research (MALHOTRA, 2006), which the instrument we used was a quiz directed for a representative sample of students to quantify data. An analysis and interpretation of data occurred through descritive statistics according to Malhotra (2006). As main results we have the profile characterization of university scholarship students, the challenges and possibilities during the academic trajectory as well, considering that they are students/workers as majority.


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How to Cite

Schuh, M. S., Machado, M. E., & Casartelli, A. de O. (2020). A brief summary of the scholarship student’s profile in a communitary university of Rio Grande do Sul: contributions for the academic trajectory in graduation. Educação Por Escrito, 10(2), e28127. https://doi.org/10.15448/2179-8435.2019.2.28127


