Common National Curricular Base: critical-clinical notes and a trampoline




National Curricular Base.


This article aims to constitute the critical analysis and clinical interlocution movements, in the time-space of the Common National Curricular Base, which has been exposed as a first version to public query (2015-2016). Criticalclinical movements, which seems necessary to keep up with the enigmatic displacements and rearrangements, from whose the country, the world, the capital, the work, the relations and the education are going through. Through an nietzschean-genealogic analysis, it problematizes the conceptual-operatory quadrilateral of the Base; reveal it's figures and the fable making artifice that gives it foundation; it indicates sixteen questions to it's constituents elements. Concludes by the preposition of thinking and feeling the Common National Curricular Base, as an democratic opening for the (formulation) of new problems before new solutions and as an trampoline for the curriculums that emerge from every-day teaching, leading teacher to become, once again, the authors. 


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Author Biography

Sandra Mara Corazza, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Professora Titular da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Departamento de Ensino e Currículo

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação


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How to Cite

Corazza, S. M. (2016). Common National Curricular Base: critical-clinical notes and a trampoline. Educação, 39(4), s135-s144.

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