Galatians 5,1-6

The call to freedom




liberty, Christ, Galatians, Paul, circumcision, vocation


The vocation to freedom is the central theme of the pericope Gal 5,1-6. At a time of spiritual conflict in the Galatian community, Paul addresses his Letter to Christians who risk losing their freedom by adhering to a gospel other than that of Christ, which he announced to them. Losing freedom means returning to a life of slavery, and throwing away the salvation that Christ won for us, after all “it is for freedom that Christ set us free” (Gal 5,1). Faced with two ways that are antagonistic - justification by the works of the Law and justification by faith in Jesus Christ - the Galatians are called to live the freedom of the children of God. Through an exegetical study, based on the Method of Semitic Rhetoric Analysis, this article builds a journey of understanding the call to freedom made by Paul to the Galatians, and which continues to be of great value for the Christian experience today. At a time when it is not always clear what the Spirit inspires us, and that freedom itself is not yet a consolidated spiritual experience, or even desired, Paulo conveys with unique clarity the importance of promoting it, and defending it from all the ways that can corrupt it. Jesus is our judge and Savior, and only in Him is obedience to God possible for human beings. Faith working through love fulfills the whole law (Gal 5,14).


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Author Biographies

Waldecir Gonzaga, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Director and Professor of Biblical Theology at the Department of Theology at PUC-Rio. Creator and leader of the Semitic Biblical Rhetoric Analysis Study Group, accredited by the CNPq. Doctor in Biblical Theology from the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Italy. Post-Doctorate from FAJE.

Neimar Schuster, Higher School of Theology (EST), São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil.

Master's student in Theology at Escola Superior de Teologia (EST), São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil.


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