Teaching workshops as intervention strategy in technical high school and college





learning, professional education, technical teaching, workshops


The subject of the present document is Teaching Workshops that took place at Campus Viamão of the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as their contribution to the school performance of students of technical education on a high school level and College. Its general objective is to analyze the development of learning workshops as a strategy to equip participating subjects in their academic learning. The specific objectives are: Understand how the workshops contribute to the academic development of students, in the construction of learning, authorship and institutional links; Identify the aspects brought up by students based on their assessment of the experience and results in the development of their learning process and, Describe the development of learning workshops and their effects on students. The theoretical framework addresses the concepts of learning, adult learning within the scope of Professional Education, learning strategies, authorship and workshops. The methodological approach is action research in which eight workshops were held with students. Each participant filled out their logbook, from which data was extracted using Discursive Textual Analysis. Among the conclusions reached, the instrumentation based on the strategies worked and the creation of a space for authorship and sharing of knowledge among the participants stand out, which also demonstrated a shared sense of belonging to the group and the workshop space. The learning built during the meetings produced effects on the students, both in terms of instrumentation and in their self-confidence and recognition of their own constructions.


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Author Biographies

Anelise Schutz, Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, Viamão, RS, Brazil.

Master in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. He has a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and a postgraduate degree in Psychopedagogy from Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis and in Special Education and Inclusive Processes from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. She worked as a primary school teacher and as a pedagogue. Currently, she works as a pedagogue in the Student Assistance Coordination at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul – Campus Viamão.

Luciane Alves Santini, Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, Viamão, RS, Brazil.

PhD in the Postgraduate Program in Education and Sciences in the research line of Teaching and learning processes at school, university and research laboratory. Master in Education, in the line of research called Cultures, Languages and Technologies of Education, from the Postgraduate Program in Education at Unilasalle de Canoas. Specialist in Information Science from the University of the Campanha Region (URCAMP). He has a degree in Library Science from FESP (SP). Works as Librarian at the IFRS Viamão Campus.


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How to Cite

Schutz, A., & Santini, L. A. (2023). Teaching workshops as intervention strategy in technical high school and college. Educação Por Escrito, 14(1), e45327. https://doi.org/10.15448/2179-8435.2023.1.45327