Digital media and the Internet in teaching (Science and Mathematics)




Digital media, Internet, Representations, Education


In this work, we intend to reflect on digital media in science and mathematics teaching from theoretical readings and empirical works that consider, mainly, the Portuguese case. First, we will situate the debate in the internal contradictions of the representations of the school and the idea of crisis associated with digital media. Then we will address the problems specifically associated with the Internet and the way in which it is integrated into pedagogical practices and, subsequently, into the participatory culture. We will see how the gap between promises and reality is constant and significant. We will end our work with a brief reflection in which we call on those responsible for education to reflect on the role of the school in the appropriation of digital media and the Internet.


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Author Biography

Luciano Moreira, Universidade do Porto (UP), Porto, Portugal.

He received a PhD in Digital Media from the University of Porto in 2021. He is a CETAPS researcher at the Faculty of Letters at the University of Porto and collaborator of CIQUP. He is a partner professor for the Master's in Multimedia and member of the Scientific Committee of the International Joint PhD in Social Representations, Culture and Communication. His areas of interest include humanities digital, science communication, science studies and technology, social representations and methods of scientific investigation.



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How to Cite

Moreira, L. (2023). Digital media and the Internet in teaching (Science and Mathematics). Educação Por Escrito, 14(1), e45035.



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