Good researcher, bad teacher

the elefant in the room




Teacher training, Higher education, Teaching and learning in Higher Education, Educational policies


In Brazil, historically, legislation and policies for teacher training neglect pedagogical training for higher education, enshrining the logic of the primacy of technical knowledge over pedagogical knowledge. In Europe, the United Kingdom implemented educational reforms seeking to break with this logic evidenced by the Dearing Report, which pointed to the imbalance in prestige and incentive between research and teaching, the widespread prevalence of traditional teaching methods such as lectures, the emergence of new information technologies, and the reconfiguration of the university context. In this article, the objective is to analyze the Brazilian normative framework for qualifying teachers to exercise teaching in Higher Education and to present the educational reforms of British Higher Education as a paradigm for the qualification of teaching and learning in the context of Higher Education.


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Author Biographies

Arthur Poziomyck, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Bachelor in Legal and Social Sciences (PUCRS), specialist in Public International Law and Private International Law (UFRGS), Master in Education (UFRGS) and PhD in Education (PUCRS).

Alexandre Guilherme, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Graduated MA Honors in Philosophy (University of Edinburgh), Master MLitt in Philosophy (University of St Andrews), PhD in Philosophy (Durham University), with post-doctoral internship at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanity – University of Edinburgh.


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How to Cite

Poziomyck, A. da S., & Alexandre Guilherme. (2023). Good researcher, bad teacher: the elefant in the room. Educação Por Escrito, 14(1), e44844.