The ludic teaching of Portuguese as a second language to deaf students
ominiletical contributions
Education, Portuguese as a second Language, Ludic, Visual Literacy, Omniletical perspectiveAbstract
The following work aims to discuss about ludic activities and visual literacy and how they assist in the process of teaching Portuguese as a second language for mild to moderate deaf students. This discussion starts from the experiences of the first author of this article, active in the teaching and elaboration of activities in a university extension project at UFRJ, through Specialized Educational Assistance in a non-school environment. The methodology used here is qualitative (Minayo, 2001), with a participant observation (Gil, 2008), and as a theoretical reference the Omniletical perspective (Santos, 2013) and contributions from Vygotsky (1998). As a result, it is noted that the use of playfulness and visual literacy, in addition to helping in the acquisition of Portuguese, also gives autonomy and creativity to the student participating in the research. Furthermore, it improved her relationship with work mediators, facilitated the understanding of orthographic rules of the second language and reduced her fear of making mistakes.
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