The 1971 elementary and high school reform and the 2017 high school reform
Some approximations
educational policies, Law no. 5,692, Law no. 13,415Abstract
This text aims to make some approximations in relation to the 1st and 2nd grades reform law no. 5,692 of 1971 and the reform of secondary education, law no. 13,415 of 2017. Among other aspects, it is possible to point out the professionalization process in the training of students in the 1971 reform and the induction of professionalization at the high school level with the current proposal, both inserted in coup contexts (civil-military in 1964 and legal-media-parliamentary in 2016). Methodologically, the article was developed through bibliographic research (consultation of works and scientific articles), as well as documents related to the theme. Considering that there are similarities between the reforms, resulting in developments for public education, the text has a preliminary character, which will require, for a more complete approach, in the perspective of totality, the development of new research.
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