Academic inclusion of a student with deafblindness by Usher syndrome
The work in a classroom of multifunctional resources
educational schooling, deafblindness, collaborative workAbstract
This article is about schooling a student with deafblindness by Usher syndrome. It aims to discuss the deafblindness specificities and the relevance of the specific schooling attendance. It uses as a theoretical reference the cultural-historic approach that understands that, for the person with deficiency to learn and to develop, intentional mediation is necessary as well as special resources and alternative ways. It seeks, in Paulo Freire, bases to discuss the dialogue and the work of an instructor. In this way, it presents some strategies developed with a deaf blind student in a case study registered in a multifunctional classroom in the State of Paraná. It concludes that to include a student it is essential that the student is heard and that the teaching takes into consideration the potential of the student. From this process, curriculum adaptation and the usage of different tools and forms of communication are necessary in order to attend to the peculiarity of a deaf blind student. The lessons in the classroom with multifunctional resources and the collaborative work including the teachers of the ordinary classroom and the specific classroom attendance may bring a lot of advances to schooling inclusion.
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