Didactic strategies in distance education and hybrid teaching for student engagement
Models adopted by the Higher Education Institutions of Feira de Santana – Bahia, Brazil
Training, education, strategies, didactic, commitmentAbstract
Public policies for the popularization of Brazilian higher education and the development of information technologies have given rise to new teaching and learning methodologies. Promoting the training of education professionals, making them capable of contributing to the development of students in an autonomous and creative way, is the challenge that is imposed. This study sought to answer which didactic strategies can be used in distance education and in the hybrid teaching model to promote student engagement. In addition to conceptualizing and discussing the differences between distance education and hybrid education, the purpose was to identify which of the models have been offered in the researched educational institutions, between the years 2015 to 2019, through data extracted from the bases of the National Institute of Education. Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira and institutional websites. By method, the documentary research identified the models adopted in 23 institutions. The results showed that 74.5% use distance education, 13.5% face-to-face education and 12% hybrid education. As contributions, it was found that in both modalities it is essential that the didactic strategies involve: planning activities, sensitizing students, producing content, using technology to practice active methodologies, and reassessing didactic practices.
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