Normalizing (historical) education and denial of the other in southern Brazil
Reflections on the possibilities of dialogue and overcoming of ethnocentrism
Memory, Historical education, DialogueAbstract
This article presents issues on Historical Education and Eu-Other relations based on the reality of three municipalities in Southern Brazil, Arroio Trinta-SC, Treze Tílias-SC and Áurea-RS, marked by the production and reproduction of a public history that emphasizes traits of European immigrant culture. It problematizes these narratives, available on official websites of the municipalities, based on bibliographic research, especially Levinas and Gur-Ze’ev. It identifies the existence of a normalizing education and Public Histories, in each of these municipalities, which deny and/or attack others’ memories and create obstacles for peaceful coexistence among different ones. It concludes that, to overcome ethnocentrism, it is necessary to make an effort to build a counter-memory as a starting point for historical counter-education, especially in such locations, far from large urban centers, creating opportunities for dialogue, ethics and positive peace.
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