Gift and talent
A look at Gagné’s theory
Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent, Developmental Model for Natural Abilities, Comprehensive Model of Talent Development, Giftedness, TalentAbstract
The transition from the information to the knowledge society requires teachers to have a set of skills to achieve the social ideal of equality and inclusion. Teachers should meet the needs of gifted and talented students. The Comprehensive Talent Development Model facilitates the identification of gifted and talented students and promotes tools for their development. In this sense, this article aims to present the Integrated Talent Development Model as a new proposal to meet the special needs of gifted students. The methodology proposed by the research is descriptive and explanatory with theoretical references published by written and electronic databases that include books and journals that address current studies on the subject. The main original publications and commentators on IMDT were read and analysed. As a result, it was observed that the need for timely identification of gifted students and the importance of planning constantly challenging activities and of meaningful content that promotes their integral talent development process.
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