The impact of bullying in the school environment
Psychological damage
Bullying, Psycological damages, School, Therapeutic interventionAbstract
The objective of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the bullying phenomenon in the school environment and to understand what the psychological damages caused by this practice are. As a methodology, a bibliographic review was carried out, using articles and journals published since 2007 based on the Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), a Latin American database of bibliographical information in health sciences, and Biblioteca Virtual emSaúde (BVS), a database with general information in the area of health sciences.Other researches were done in books from the Library of La Salle University andpersonal collection. From the bibliographic review, the research findings wereclassified according to the subject investigated and the methodological aspectscategorized. The main topics covered in the article were the conceptualization ofthe theme, the profile of the aggressors, emotional and psychological damagescaused by the practice and how psychology could intervene in that context.
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