The Pedagogical Political Project in Children Education: a dialogue construction proposal in the Municipal Teaching Network of Toropi-RS
Public Policies. Democratic Management. Early Childhood Education. Pedagogical Political Project. Formativeinvestigative Dialogical Circles.Abstract
This work aims to present reflections on the challenges in the construction of the Pedagogical Political Project of Early Childhood Education of the Municipal Teaching Network of Toropi-RS, where a master dissertation research was carried out, completed in 2018, aiming to carry out dialogic discussion process with managers and teachers to discuss the PPP of Early Childhood Education. Methodologically the study was based on a qualitative approach, through documentary, bibliographical research and dialogic research-formative circles, conducted with the co-authors of the research. We realize that managers and teachers, in many cases, do not know how to deal with the autonomy that is guaranteed to them, limiting themselves to the day-to-day tasks of the school, and therefore, a greater commitment of the same ones is necessary so that the process of elaboration of the PPP of the school is democratic. The dialogues that emerged from the investigative-formative dialogues with managers and teachers provided a reflection on theory and practice through action-reflection-action, enabling new perspectives on the management of Early Childhood Education and the process of elaboration of the Political Pedagogical Project, promoting the self(trans)formation of the co-authors involved in this process.
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