Attitudes and beliefs of Portuguese students about homosexuality: implications for citizenship and university pedagogy
Attitudes, Beliefs, Homophobia, Citizenship, University.Abstract
The aim of this study was to analyse the beliefs and attitudes of the Portuguese students in higher education about homosexuality. One hundred and eight students of the Bachelor in Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra answered the Inventory of beliefs about homosexuality and the Scale of attitudes towards homosexuality – Version adapted to students in higher education. The obtained results permitted the identification of dysfunctional beliefs about homosexuality, erroneously relating it to identity and gender expression problems, to risk groups in Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) transmission, to an individual’s choice, and to be the result of a homosexual family influence. Simultaneously, the female students reported more defensive attitudes towards homosexuality, the students that considered themselves as more religious had stronger rejection attitudes towards homosexuality proximity, the students who had one gay friend (male or female) or were used to talk with their friends about the sexual orientation theme presented less discriminatory attitudes, and for last, the students who were more interested in seeing the theme of sexual orientation debated in the University were the ones who presented the more positive attitudes and the less discriminatory ones towards homosexuality. It was also verified that functional beliefs about homosexuality were associated to positive attitudes towards homosexuality. Considering these results, some implications for curriculums in the citizenship area and for the pedagogical practices of attention to diversity in the University context were presented.
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