Teacher training and student protagonism of Medical students: challenges and perspectives
Teacher training, Student leadership, Medical training.Abstract
Teaching in the medical field has become a challenge for training and requires reflection on perspectives. The objective is to discuss some of these challenges pointed out in the literature, favoring student protagonism. For this, we undertook research of bibliographic revision, focusing on authors that deal with the theme. The results showed that initial and continuing teacher training in the area is urgent, especially when one considers the absence of the teacher, the student’s lack of perception as a subject of learning and the silencing of issues that increase student dropout, such as excessive collection and little student protagonism. It was concluded that, because it is the field of incipient teacher training, it needs to be revisited: the teacher-doctor needs to perceive more teacher, which will lead him to think of the pedagogical field, and less medical, to relativize paradigms of his own formation and to see the student in a biopsychosocial perspective, more as a subject and less as a patient.
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