Digital narratives for significant learning in Higher Education: What is the perception of students?
Digital narratives, Active methodologies, Perception of students, Significant and collaborative learning.Abstract
In recent years, in order to develop an education that meets the current demand of the professional market, much has been said about active methodologies, hybrid teaching, innovation in the educational environment, among other topics that refer us to the teaching and learning process. But in the literature, little is found on the perception of higher education students regarding the use of active methodologies in the teaching process. The student of this level of education, mostly, works part of the day, takes care of the family at another time and studies in a certain shift, having dozens of occupations and time shortages. For him, one should maximize his learning in the shortest possible time, mixing both face-to-face and virtual activities, while avoiding leaving too many academic assignments outside the school environment, because he will not give due attention. From this, it becomes important to know their perception about the use of active teaching methodologies, objective of this article. The present work sought to know the perception of undergraduate students of the private teaching network on the use of digital narratives for meaningful learning. From a qualitative approach, the research was developed through individual interviews, focus group, field diary and observation, during the course of a university extension course. The results demonstrated the students’ perception regarding the use of digital narratives as active methodologies, highlighting positive points and their objections regarding the teaching and learning process, raising new concerns and suggesting that further research be done.
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