Situation-problem: a method for teaching Economics


  • Pedro Henrique de Morais Campetti Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Campus Bento Gonçalves
  • Daniela de Campos Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Campus Farroupilha



Pedagogical practices, Teaching methodologies, Problem-situation, Teaching, Economy


Economics’ teaching presents some challenges in the sense of being effective as an action of producing meaningful learning for the students. It’s due to the specificity of the contents and skills that are worked in class and the different possibilities open to teaching practice. On the one hand, there is the traditional method, where there is the centrality of the teacher. On the other hand, there is a diversity of methodologies to be used and engender fruitful results. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the results of the application of a differentiated teaching methodology, the problem-situation approach, focused on the teaching of Economics. For the bibliographic review, theoretical contributions from the field of Education were used. From the methodological point of view, this is an applied and exploratory research, using the case study method. In relation to the results, these indicate that the pedagogical proposal used contributed to a more meaningful learning of the students.


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How to Cite

Campetti, P. H. de M., & de Campos, D. (2017). Situation-problem: a method for teaching Economics. Educação Por Escrito, 8(1), 85–99.


