Interface of a doctoral exchange program: teacher educationand relevant experiences


  • Elane Chaveiro Soares Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso



doctoral exchange program, teacher education, chemistry teaching.


In this text I present the construction of knowledge provided by a Doctoral exchange program in the city of La Plata/Argentina, from the agreement between the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) and the National University of La Plata (UNLP)/financed by CAPES. I studied for three onths (From August to October/2011) in this university and I actively participated in four major activities in this period. First as listener of the VIII Encuentro de Cátedras de Pedagogía de Universidades Nacionales. Second, as a collaborator of the 1st Simposio de Enseñanza de la Química and as a student of the Seminar of Politicas de Formacíon, Currículum e Identidades Docentes which wastaught by teacher Ms. Flavia Terigi. And finally, as oral communication presenter in the I Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza de las Ciencias y Matemática y II Encuentro Nacional de Enseñanza de la Matemática. The report was written from the construction of knowledge on experiential complexity of the proposed discussion, from the theoretical framework used in this university, from the fruitful involvement with the teaching staff and students of the Department of Ciências Exactas y Naturales of the Faculty of Humanities of the UNLP, besides the immersion performed in another culture, with another language and other clashes. The engagement proposed to carry out this exchange program was essential in the achievement of learning related to Chemistry Teaching and Teacher Training together with our hermanos. Achieving Doctorate in Education presupposes, among other things, overcoming competitive struggles of domain space and voice with increasingly intertwined interfaces.


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Author Biography

Elane Chaveiro Soares, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Doutora em Educação pela PUCRS - Prof. Adjunto III do Depto. Química da UFMT - Área de Ensino de Química e pesquisadora do Laboratório de Pesquisa e Ensino de Química - LabPEQ/ufmt.


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How to Cite

Soares, E. C. (2016). Interface of a doctoral exchange program: teacher educationand relevant experiences. Educação Por Escrito, 7(2), 169–180.