Knowledge as invention: Paul Valéry in contemporary education teaching
Valéry. Knowledge. Invention. Teaching. Education.Abstract
The paper Knowledge as invention: Paul Valéry in contemporary education teaching analyzes the possibilities of a potent action in Education by focusing on a thought creature – the poet, philosopher and culture critic Paul Valéry. It proposes to act and operate with the method of inform in Contemporary Education Teaching by using the notion of Knowledge as Invention, according to which the spirit attempts to design a possible and permissive operation of broad self-consciousness in relation to intellect movements, i.e. by attempting to use intellective faculties more broadly. Hence, this paper has employed the Valéryan thought for the development of a way of dealing with Contemporary Education Teaching aiming at a powerful spiritual Education also derived from disciplined self-variance. Spiritual variation in Contemporary Education Teaching acts and operates from the Valéryan perspective through imaginative intertwining with philosophy, literature and human and social sciences. It addresses knowledge as invention of a singular production that both cultivates the intellect in search of the pure – self-possessed – Self and adventurously moves through a number of knowledge areas.
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