The study of water through a virtual learning environment with the 5th year students of Elementary Education
Virtual learning environment. Water. Elementary Education.Abstract
The work presented here is the result of a practice carried out with students in the 5th grade of elementary school, whose school is located in Vale do Taquari - RS. This was developed from the proposal shown in the discipline of Virtual Learning Environments of the Program of Graduate School of Exact Sciences UNIVATES University Center. Thus, we prepared a AVA using some of the tools available in this environment, with the aim to introduce students to the topic of water in the discipline of science. For being a young audience, also called digital natives, we developed an environment whose main feature was the use of images. Thus, we developed with the support of Univates TV, a video on the phases of water, which is one of the materials available for the study of the subject. Results showed curiosity and autonomy of students to take an interest in certain subject and searching more about it. A courseware much appreciated by the students was the explanatory video, which generated many positive comments. One of the difficulties presented by the students was the multiple choice questions in the questionnaires as they mingled with the alternatives and especially when they log in to the environment, forgetting the password or changing characters of the email. At the end of the activities everyone enjoyed the experience and wondered if we could not be more lessons in the virtual environment.Downloads
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