The pluralistic ecology of locative media


  • Lucia Santaella Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo



Communication, hybridism, mobile devices


From the late 1980s, the term "hybridism" became a key word for characterizing contemporary societies, especially Latin American societies. After the explosion of planetary communication networks and the World Wide Web, the use of the words "hybridism", "hybrid" and "hybridization" or "hybridization" has expanded considerably to refer to both the convergence of the world's media Digital as to the mixture of languages in the hypermedia, that is, the junction of the hypertext with the multimedia that defines the language that is proper of the networks. Recently, the use of the word "hybridism" has expanded even more to refer to the interconnection of physical spaces of circulation with the virtual spaces of information to which the users of mobile devices connect. In these spaces have been developing practices of locative media. This article aims to highlight these practices as examples of a pluralist ecology of the culture characteristic of the current state of cybermedia.


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Author Biography

Lucia Santaella, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo

Full Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and lecturer in Communication Sciences at the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Santaella, L. (2009). The pluralistic ecology of locative media. Revista FAMECOS, 15(37), 20–24.



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