Atenção ao <i>input</i> e aprendizagem: o papel da instrução explícita na aquisição do Espanhol como L2


  • Ingrid Finger
  • Elena Ortiz Preuss


efeitos da instrução explícita, SE operador aspectual do espanhol, conhecimento


This article aims at analyzing the long-term effects of formal instruction in the acquisition of implicit knowledge of the Spanish pronoun SE by a group of Brazilian learners. The initial study indicated that the pedagogical intervention that was conducted increased accuracy rates in both comprehension and production tasks. A new set of tests were applied to the same participants two years after the first data collection in order to verify if the beneficial effects of instruction would be long-lasting. The predictions were confirmed thus providing evidence for the Weak Interface Hypothesis with respect to the interaction between explicit and implicit knowledge in L2 learning.


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How to Cite

Finger, I., & Preuss, E. O. (2009). Atenção ao <i>input</i> e aprendizagem: o papel da instrução explícita na aquisição do Espanhol como L2. Letras De Hoje, 44(3). Retrieved from



Topic 3 - Language and cognition: learning and teaching of second language

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