Internal policies for internationalization of higher education
A challenge to contemporary university
educational management, internationalization, higher education, stages of internationalizationAbstract
The theme of the article is the internal policies of internationalization at a community university in the southern region of Brazil. The objective is to raise the debate on internal policies of internationalization of higher education. It is a qualitative research, which used data from a field diary in order to observe the situation of a community university in the southern region of Brazil, according to the stages of the process described by Stallivieri and the dilemmas found in each one. We point out the importance of planning and constant revaluation in the process of internationalization in higher education, in addition to attention to management indicators such as the development of global students attentive to interculturalism, foreign language learning, little investment and scarcity of programs and teacher training systems, cultural adaptation, incentive to network research and internationalization of the curriculum. We verified the relevance given by the institution researched for this topic, however, we indicate the best elaboration of some phases of internationalization and strong monitoring in the main themes: Teacher training; Difficulties in communication (language); Research and curriculum; Cultural adaptation.
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