“Reason is a Whore”: Groundworks of a Lutheran Epistemology
Faith. Reason. Theology of the Cross. Paradox. Reformed Epistemology. Lutheran Epistemology.Abstract
In Lutheran theology, as well as in most part of the Christian theology that preceded him, the theme of “faith” and “reason” plays an important role. It is always implied or it is even directly treated whenever we face a debate on the nature of theological knowledge, the status of the Christian theologian
and Christian theology and the spheres of meaning and responsibility of faith as a gift and human condition and of reason or rationality as a gift to creation and human condition in the world as such. In spite of its many and varied critical notes on it, in medieval “Christian philosophy” the alliance between metaphysics and theology presents clear contours and directions of possibilities; Luther on his turn seems to have rejected any room of success for such an approach in “Scholastic” way towards the knowledge of God, and this is christalized in his critical expression regarding the condition of human reason to theological knowledge: “reason is a whore”. Recently, the topic of the rationality implicit in the attitude of faith that moves the Christian in his beliefs and actions, as well as of the Christian theologian and theology, was reelaborated in Calvinist Reformed tradition, in a program of problematizing the rationality of faith, within an atmosphere of profound scientificism of knowledge claims in contemporary times, on the one hand, and, on the other, of fideism in evangelical-protestant reactions towards external criticism coming from exact sciences and sciences of nature. A so called “Reformed Epistemology” has been articulated, which touches the nature of rationality in general and the rationality of faith more narrowly, providing a new account of the rational justification of Christian beliefs. Would there be, in face of the same motivations, or even based on different purposes, a consimilar theory in Lutheran tradition, that is, a “Lutheran Epistemology”? The present study has the purpose of offering a draft of an answer to that question, exploring thus a comparison with the own terms of Reformed Epistemology and Lutheran theology about Christian belief.
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