A Frontier Theology: challenges of cultural and religious pluralism in a so-called Postmodern society
Plurality-religious. Dialogue. Otherness. Border.Abstract
Religious Pluralism is undoubtedly one of the hallmarks of the so-called Postmodern period. The processes of globalization and the increasing migration places peoples and cultures, coexisting in spaces closer and closer, raising heated and controversial issues. However, there is growing awareness and legitimacy regarding cultural and religious pluralism, which takes into account the different expressions of the human phenomenon, not as stigma but in view of a “reconciled diversity”. It hypothesized that it is possible to propose an interreligious theology, capable of proposing an attitude of reciprocity between different religious traditions. In order to do so, the concept of “frontier” will be taken as a hermeneutical horizon, as a space for meeting and dialogue, with the contributions of Pope Francisco, Faustino Teixeira and Peter Phan as a theoretical contribution.
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