Civil rights of LGBTQIAPN+ people in Thai BL (Boys Love) series

diegetic visibility and activism in Brazilian fandoms




Boys Love – BL, LGBTQIAPN+, serial television fiction, LGBT rights, fan studies.


The article presents the Thai Boys Love – BLs – series as an object of study. The objective of the research was to verify the presence of the theme of civil rights of LGBTQIAPN+ people in the diegesis of these serial television fictions and its subsequent reverberation by Brazilian fandoms in social networks. The research briefly focuses on the Brazilian and Thai laws regarding the rights and guarantees of this community. It concludes that the intersection between production, circulation and reception of BLs stimulates a dialogical movement that emphasizes the visibility of LGBTQIAPN+ people.


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Author Biography

Ligia Prezia Lemos, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP), in São Paulo, SP, Brazil; with a postdoctorate and master's degree from the same institution. Researcher at GELiDis, Research Group on Languages ​​and Discourses in the Media (ECA-USP) and GRUPA, Audiovisual Products Analysis Group (UNIP-SP).


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How to Cite

Prezia Lemos, L. (2024). Civil rights of LGBTQIAPN+ people in Thai BL (Boys Love) series: diegetic visibility and activism in Brazilian fandoms. Revista FAMECOS, 31(1), e45084.